California Home Loan Specialists for Over 2 Decades - Call 800.648.5363


Whether or not to refinance your home depends on many factors. While some may want to lower their overall monthly payment obligations, others may need cash to start or help grow a business. Other considerations include how much equity you have built up over time, how long you plan on staying in your home, and what type of loan program best fits your current situation.Navigating the mortgage market is no longer as easy as asking what are the 30-year fixed interest rates today. With the advent of interest only and hybrid option arms, many people are experiencing why the 30-year fixed rate is NOT the best solution for their financing needs.

Whether or not you are thinking about refinancing, please feel free to fill out an online application or call 800-648-5363 for a free loan evaluation. Depending on your current course or future destination, Allstate Lending Group can steer you in the right direction. Our goal is to make the entire process as simple and convenient as possible.
